
Tabsol believes in adhering to the Tobacco Plain Packaging legislation and ensures that our tobacco cigarette products and practices are compliant with the guidelines and TAP Act.

Illicit Tobacco

We strongly support the Government’s fight to eliminate illegal trade of tobacco in Australia and globally.

However, we believe that the appropriate authorities appointed by the government should manage and monitor compliance. We do not condone vigilante type actions by fellow businesses to regulate this for the industry nor the government.

If you are aware of illegally grown or manufactured tobacco in the community you can report confidentially:

• at
• by phone 1800 060 062

Adult Choice
and Preventing

Government laws and regulations prohibit the sale of tobacco products to anyone under 18 years of age in Australia.

We encourage retailers to adhere to these laws and guidelines.

At TabSol we believe respect individuals’ freedom and choice, however, we urge retailers and consumers to respect and follow the laws and guidelines.